Our client provides valued healthcare products and services by responding to the needs of patients and healthcare professionals. They are a core player in the EMEA healthcare market by providing superior products and services.

However, due to the current economic climate, coupled with the global pandemic situation, the company had to transition all their staff rapidly from a traditional office environment to home working. This was a new way of operating for many staff, so a careful adoption and training strategy had to take place with the whole project team all working remotely.

Customer Statistics


24,000 employees

160 locations worldwide


  • Obsolete legacy technologies that were not compatible with home working

  • Limited VPN access leading to slow connections

  • Urgent need to move to a cloud based (Office365) environment as a 
result of the pandemic

  • Immediate changeover from on-site to remote working required


  • Microsoft Teams collaboration training

  • Microsoft Teams Voice training

  • Remote go-live support

  • Registration of bookings

  • Champion training

Training Approach

  • Training and support were provided remotely due to Covid-19 restrictions on travel and movement.

  • Mix of champion and end user training to ensure widespread adoption and ongoing support for employees.

  • Assistance in scheduling users into small group sessions by requiring them to register onto a training session.

  • Go-Live support provided remotely using Microsoft Teams.

  • Dedicated channels providing clear lines of communication between the end users and the project team.

  • Customised E-learning videos were produced for Microsoft Teams Voice. These online tutorials were used as part of an onboarding package for new starters and as part of training collateral for existing staff.


A successful user adoption strategy led to employees feeling comfortable working remotely

‘Business As Usual’ – the company was able to continue to the same productivity levels pre-pandemic

Increased collaboration amongst teams whilst
working remotely

Successful adoption to new ways of collaborating together with colleagues

Minimal business disruption experienced during transition to their new Microsoft 365 solution